
Feeding your Budgies

A lot of people have asked what i feed my Budgies. This can vary depending on the time of year and if the birds are breeding.

I buy sacks of Red millet, White Millet, Canary seed, Ground dried maize, Naked Oats or Groats. I mix these in 30% white millet 20% red millet 40 % canary 5 % groats 5% groats and maize. These can be purchased VAT free If you buy a ready mix of these you will pay an additional 15%. I will also feed My babies Dried Mealworm.

during the breeding season i use quite a large amount of millet sprays. I put these in the nest boxes when the chicks are around 3 weeks old the parents eat it and the babies have a nibble. When the babies come out of the nest boxes i put the spay on the cage floor. This tends to be the first thing babies eat. When the babies are seen to eat they go into the baby flight. In addition to the normal seed and soft food I give them a dish of canary seed, they seem to find canary seed easier to crack open so choose that first.

Soft Food

I use a variety of food to make up my soft food.I will use frozen sweetcorn,Grated Cabbage, Beetroot,Swede,Brocali, Celery, Kale , Sweetcorn Brown Bread Soaked oates and wheat,Soaked Cuscus

I will mix all this up and then add porridge oats as this will dry it out. Also I will add dried proprietary Egg food and some chicken chick mash Breeding pairs are fed this daily. I keep what i have not used in the fridge. Some people use a shredder to make it all much smaller in pieces, I prefer to give them the larger pieces. Budgies are like people some eat all of it some are more selective.

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