Hand tame Pet birds
From November to April I will have baby budgies that have been specifically selected to be pets.These are not hand reared but handled regularly in the nest box. once fledged they are handled twice a day and will be finger tame to me. Because of the effort put in these will sell between £35 and £50 depending on quality and colour. Babies can be reserved at a early stage to avoid disappointment.
Any tame birds for sale will be listed below with full details.Every effort is made to keep this page updated.But there may be occasions where birds listed as available would have been recently sold.

This years birds as they become available will be added in due course..Babies tend to get sold before i get a chance to put them on here.The best way is to WhatsApp me and i can send you pics of any available babies
If you are interested and wish to reserve a bird to order please text or Whatsapp 07718184436 or email Jgibbens@btinternet.com
Below these babies are available from 21/02/25.They are all between 8 and 10 weeks old. They are all still happy to sit on my finger and at this age are ideal to get silly tame. I should say that I no longer sell babies at this age on their own. ( I don’t do this to sell more birds as these birds will soon sell)This is because I have learned over the years that babies at this age do not do well on their own. They get very lonely do not eat properly for the first few days and need great care to get them through the first week at their new home. (without fail when I did sell them on their own I would get numerous messages about the welfare of the baby, this was soon resolved by adding another bird into the cage.)This is especially bad if the new owners are out for most of the day. I will sell older single birds as they are able to cope better in the new environment. 2 budgies keep each other company but will still bond with their new owners. I have sold many pairs of babies and the feedback I get is that they can and do get very tame. They will also talk if given the right time and energy.
There are some breeders who will sell single babies if you are adamant that you want a single bird i would suggest you seek out one of these breeders.
The price of these birds are reflected by the rarity of colour and quality.
AT THE MOMENT I AM OFFERING £5 OFF the listed price EACH BABY BUDGIE (March 2025)

Caring for your Budgie
Budgies are very sociable birds. They enjoy the company of other budgies and humans. If you have bought a single budgie, it will take them a couple of weeks to get used to not being with other birds. They will soon bond with their owners if given plenty of attention.
Most Babies are finger tame and with plenty of effort and attention will become super tame. Over the next few days place you hand in the cage and after a few minutes put your finger under the chest of the bird he if you push harder enough he will step on your finger you can then bring him out of the cage. If he flies away keep doing the finger thing. You can also lightly pick them up and put him on your finger. They should be allowed out of their cage for flying exercise. Tame budgies will either go back to their cage on their own or will allow you to put them back. Be very care of windows. A budgie flying full out into a window will break its neck and die. They can be trained not to fly into windows.
When you get your bird home it will probably be quite timid of its new surroundings and a little subdued. They enjoy back ground sound. If you bird is particularly subdued play it some you tube videos of budgies.
Eating – budgies are primarily seed eaters, a good budgie seed mix is essential for them. They eat by cracking open the seed and leaving the shell (husks).therefore if you feed from a dish you must ensure there is plenty of actual seed and not just seed husks. They do not drink much water but it must be available. A budgie can only go 36 hours without food. It will soon die after that.
They also like other soft food including but not limited to Porridge oats, any cereal, grated vegetable’s,(carrots,broccoli,cabbage)thewy love sweet corn and bread. Try any food to see what they like (not Lettice).they love millet sprays as well.
They will also need some grit in a dish which enables them to more easily grind up their food. A cuttle fish for additional minerals is also a good idea. It is important that you see you bird eating within 12 to 24 hours of getting it.
Between 4 and 6 months your bird will go into its first moult, when it sheds its baby’s feathers for those of an adult. This is often a difficult time for them. They are likely to be more subdued and restless. You can tell when they are moulting because there will be feathers on the cage floor and they will have pin feathers on their head.
Any Problems or questions feel free to whatapp me on 07718184436
Good luck with your Budgie

One Comment
Sarah Solomon
I’m so pleased!
I’d been shopping around for a budgie for a while but was somewhat dismayed with what I found.
Then I stumbled across John and boy am I glad I did.
His set up is fantastic, so clean and the birds were all so happy.
His knowledge & guidance were priceless too.
We have just arrived home after a 2 hour journey with our new baby boy Buzby, and he’s instantly settled enough for some lunch.
Highly recommend!!!